Product Carbon Footprint – billets
The development of new economic models focused on environmental sustainability is a theme that has become central in commercial relations. The steel world in particular is today engaged in a transformation aimed at the production of an increasingly sustainable steel. An essential starting point for any initiative is the mapping of one’s own emissions. Both for the planning of internal initiatives and for responding to the transparency needs required by the market.
With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that Železiarne Podbrezová has recently produced its first Product Carbon Footprint relating to the billets we produce. In this way we will be able to transmit to our customers, through a summary document, an indication of the climate-changing emissions currently attributable to the billets they purchase.

We therefore invite those interested in receiving a copy to contact us at
Article written by

Luca Orefici
Green Manager
For more information, details or requests, don’t hesitate to contact us at
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